Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

There is a chat box in the right column,
feel free to chat with others when I am not there, or with me, when I am.
(If you're hearing *blips* while visiting, there is likely to be conversation going on at the time).

Monday, September 13, 2010

Hypnosis Exploited by Professionals?


Controversy stirs from someone from Australia
who says that he can get anyone to do anything
under hypnosis, and suggests that professionals
may back door their way into someone's mind
and wallet and more
(click to read article).

I happen to know of a few instances personally when
so-called professionals weren't exactly doing what
they were supposed to be doing. One story could easily
be a MCStory type of story. One day I may say more.
I know the person involved was considering writing
up his experience for me, so we'll see how it goes/
what happens.

In the meantime, while some may be quick to write off
this person and question his motives, there is something
to be paid attention to in what he says. Do I enjoy telling
people of these types of things? Absolutely not. However,
to pretend like all is "just dandy" in the world of hypnosis
does no one any favors.

So many come to me with a "Do me" attitude, having no
idea what they are exposing themselves to, or potentially
opening themselves to. Best to be aware than not.
Although all too often, when I say what I do I am "yessed"
until someone gets a personal sense of the possible
difficulties. But, of course, it could/would NEVER happen
to them.

Sadly, odds don't favor the never. How easy or difficult
it would be to do may vary depending on a number of
factors, but possibilities exist, especially when someone
is well trained and devious and given time to create a
foundation for their handiwork.

So...as always, a word of caution. with a suggestion to
learn, explore, and ask questions and a reminder to
listen to your gut. I can't tell you how many times
someone who got into trouble told me that they knew
that something wasn't "right."

1 comment:

  1. It is truly an embarasment when one person takes advantage of another. Not everyone is as careing and thoughtfull as Isis. Her main concern is not only entertainment and pleasure, but has a genuine concern for safety of the client and herself. Unethical individuals should be delt with and exiled.
