Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

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People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
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Sunday, January 2, 2011

On Generic Recordings & Self Hypnosis

I am listening to what someone is calling a
"Self Hypnosis" recording.

It is a very generic recording that talks
about taking action over and over and over,
and about changing one's thoughts in regard
to their financial situation.

The one thing that I can say about it that
might be helpful is that in speaking of
finances the hypnotist ties being
calm to feelings about money.

However, I personally feel that one is
misled in how the session is framed,
as the author of the recording is guiding
the session which makes it something other
than "self" hypnosis. It can't be "self"
hypnosis if someone else is guiding you.

I am not sure why this person thinks otherwise.
I suppose this might be one of those things
where there is some disagreement in how
something is looked at within the profession.

The recording is mostly the type of things
you might be told when you are awake and
alert, however, if you were to be in a
hypnotic state, the hypnotist would be
talking to your unconscious.

Telling your unconscious to change your
thinking and what to focus on is helpful
to some degree, as it will potentially get
you to pay attention to things that you
might not otherwise pay attention to.

However, while he is addressing the "things"
around one's financial situation, he isn't
necessarily addressing the "cause" of any
unconscious blocks or concerns.

Since this is a generic recording for the
"masses," one would have to create broad
brushstrokes and "hope" to touch on what
is affecting those who listen.

Because people vary in their suggestibility
and how they are hypnotized, there are
likely to be people who will listen to
the recording and feel like there is no
hypnosis involved, and that it is just a
soothing voice saying things that should
already be evident.

If it was that "easy" to change one's mind,
we'd all have a different one when it comes
to the things that don't seem to work for us.

While a recording like this might help to
some degree, any effect might not be very
long lasting since the cause of any issue(s)
may be lingering in the background.

This is not to say that one shouldn't
consider recordings like this, but rather
to make note of your experience. Couple
it with what you know of what is possible,
it will likely help guide what you do
next. For some it would be way to easy
to say "hypnosis doesn't work" or "hypnosis
is a sham" or any other number of negative
things that would be counterproductive for
you to actually enjoy and benefit from

Most people can be hypnotized. The
experience of an individual will vary,
based on a number of factors, including
the ability of the hypnotist to induce
trance and to offer helpful perspective
and suggestion while the person is under.

As with any profession, those who practice
it will vary in their style, their approach,
and in their ability to effect the outcome
of the person on the receiving end of their

It'd be nice if it was simple.
But what fun is that? :P

As always, if you have any questions,
please feel free to ask privately or
via the comment section below.

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