Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

There is a chat box in the right column,
feel free to chat with others when I am not there, or with me, when I am.
(If you're hearing *blips* while visiting, there is likely to be conversation going on at the time).

Monday, April 19, 2010

The One Two Punch of Last Year | A mixed bag

Of course the economy is "old news."
Everyone knows that we're hurting.

You hear numbers and it sounds bad,
but it's hard to sometimes know how
bad, unless it personally affects
you. I saw this economic graphic

today, and it certainly adds a
dimension to what is happening.

Last September, the main site that
I work off of went off line in a big
way, and it has yet to recover
completely. In addition, the
limping economy hasn't helped.

I have heard mixed things from those
who work in the phone sex industry.
For some, business is booming (one
of which is a Pro Domme). For others,
you could hear a pin drop.

I personally have noticed a decline
in those who call and interact with
me in the timeframe represented by
the graphic.

When I am asked about it, it makes
sense to me that there would be an
effect. After all, money on the type
of things I do is likely to be
discretionary income for most.

In times of difficulty, where does
discretionary income go? Out the

At the same time, the pressure is on.
People are more stressed out than
ever, and are looking for a much
needed escape. As a result, those
who are spending money might be
spending what they don't have to
alleviate some of the pressure.

Sometimes we need some sunshine where
we don't expect it to be. Sometimes
we need some help, but are not in a
position to take advantage of what
someone can do for us when they're
charging for their services.

There is nothing worse than knowing we
need some help, and not being able to
get it.

Most things given for free, are often
given with the intention to manipulate.
Give someone something for free, and
they'll likely want to do something
for you, buy your product, and/or your

Not every free thing has a string of
manipulation attached to it, but in
this world currently, I suspect few
things are truly "free."

It is a hard balancing act that I do.
What I do as "Isis" is primarily how I
make my living, and just like you I
have only 24 hours in a day and 7 days
in a week. I have just so much energy,
and have financial obligations to meet.

If I had the financial well being to
give away my services and products,
I might be inclined, as I love what I
do, and would love for others to be
able to have access to it.

However, I have come to realize that
everything is a form of currency, even
energy. I spend energy on my work, and
when someone takes it in without giving
anything in return (even just an
acknowledgment or a thank you), it is
in some part a deflation of the value
of what is offered.

While there are some things I am still
willing to share freely, my time is not
one of them. In order for me to spend
my time, I need something in return.
It isn't necessarily something tangible,
and definable, however, there needs to
be something that I get from our exchange,
and money is a good (and often times the
best) option, however not the only one.

Those who want to do something for me can:
- write stories
- create graphics
- leave feedback for my files
- leave feedback of our interactions
- leave comments on my blog
- post in my Yahoo Group
- send amazon gift cards
- buy files
- tell me what talents they have, and
see how it might be of benefit to me
- find places to tell others about me/
tell others about me

Have you ever thought about this for
yourself? Have you ever thought about
what you give away for free? Many I
know give of themselves endlessly, and
don't realize that by doing that there
will come a point where there will be
nothing left to give.

If that is you, consider the possibility
that you are doing no one any favors
focusing on them to the exclusion of

While it may not seem related, consider
that we might have a financial (a "worth")
crisis going on because we have lost our
inner worth and value while being so
focused on things outside of ourselves.

It may be radical to consider...but truly,
at this point, what do we have to lose?


  1. Isis I think you hit it on the nailhead, in these economic times the self worth or self confidence of so many has been eroded, societies changes have eroded so many of the values that have been passed down for generations and now in this time of hardship the inner core or strength is not necessarily there to recover. Thank You for sharing your thoughts and reminding some of us just that take a look inside and dont sell yourself short.

  2. The inner core of strength IS there, iceT, it just needs to be uncovered/discovered. Many have just gotten caught up and/or lost sight of the best of who they are.

    Thanks for taking the time to stop by, and comment.

    Have a great day!

