Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

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Sunday, February 28, 2010

A Common Conversation: On Penis Size and Humiliation

I have had many guys call me and want to
talk to me about penis size. I have had
guys who are five and six inches tell me
they were small.

What they didn't realize is that five and
six inches is actually average.

I only had an instance or two when a guy
was truly, by definition, small and in
one case he appreciated what the small
size could afford him in the way of
pleasure, instead of focusing on what
some would perceive as a deficit.

I raise this topic, in part, because
today I saw a hypnotist's page where
there was a comment by someone that
the lady was so knowledgeable, and
that because of that, she spoke for
all women. And what she spoke of was
that all women want "BIG COCK."

Frankly, things like this make me cringe.
Absolute statements often do. If you go
to a baseball game and you see lots of
men there enjoying the game, you could
(if you didn't know any better) come away
thinking that all men enjoy baseball.

Do all men enjoy baseball?

Statements about "all" of anything can
often be biased by who you are talking
to, and their biases or perceptions and,
if you go to a place like Niteflirt, you
are likely to find a bias for humiliation.

Do these women like to humiliate? Or do
they humiliate because they think it's
what will get them paid?

It doesn't really matter, but it does
affect the potential bias and resulting

Human beings often seek, and often find,
support for their belief systems. The
guy who wrote that likely had some desire
to believe that he deserved to be
humiliated for his seeming lack.

I can't (and won't ever) speak for all
women, but I can tell you that big isn't
always better, or preferred. I can also
tell you that when it comes to a woman's
pleasure, only the first 2-3 inches of
her vagina are sensitive. Any other
sensations she feels might bring her
pleasure in associations or in some other
way, but not because there are parts of
her body that are providing specific
pleasure sensations.

I mentioned that this woman was a hypnotist
and I mention that because it appears she
was using her abilities to reinforce what
this guy believed, making him believe it
was natural to feel as he did.

I suppose it could serve him in some way,
however, I often question things like
this. What if he could feel good about
himself and what he had to offer? Would
he want it? Why or why not? The answers
to those questions would be important to

In the meantime, know that there are women
in the world that do respect men, and
would appreciate and accept them however
they are, as long as the whole package
works. The key being the "whole package."

As with anything there is infinite
possibility and desires...and finding
the right combination isn't all that simple.
For that reason, any perceived inability to
find it can have the illusion of having anyone
(male or female) feeling like they are less
of a person.

It may be tempting to feed the belief,
if it is all you got. However
consider that there may just be other
possibilities, if you ask different questions
or talk with different people.

Hypnosis comes in a myriad of forms, and
you might just be hypnotizing yourself
with your beliefs and thoughts. The question
is...if there is another option, is what you
are doing and saying and believing what you
truly want to do and say and believe?

You might answer yes...but then the next
question is why? If it's because you get
attention or an appearance of love or a feeling
of pleasure, is what you have to trade worth
it? And what if you could get those things
some other way?

The same, by the way, can go for anything in
life...but I bet you knew that already.

Play (and stay) safe,

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