Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

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Friday, April 22, 2011

On Ego

So much chatter about what Ego is, and often
it seems to be a "bad" thing. Today I saw
something that said that there is a perspective
of ego that is "self-organizing."

In that vein, I would have to say that was/is
a good thing. Without a self that has some
sense of itself, one would be lost.

As I type that I think about those in the
erotic hypnotic fetish, as well as in the
BDSM world who would likely say that
dissolving the ego - especially if it is
self-organizing - would likely be a good

I would have to wonder if that is the case.

I would have to wonder how someone would
know better than you what is right and good
and best for you. I would have to wonder
this because so often I have seen people
at odds with what they are instructed and
told. I have seen people fight the

If you are one of those people, have you
ever considered that maybe YOU do know what
is best for you, but perhaps you just
haven't discovered it yet? Have you ever
considered that instead of finding your
way by having another lead (which often
is contrary and unlikely) you would likely
be better suited to someone helping you
find your way and supporting you as you
lead yourself?

Yes. The latter version takes more courage
and more work, but it just so happens it
is likely to give you more of what you
want and be more rewarding in the end.

As with my previous entry, anything can be
presented in any way. It is the perspective
that you feel empowered with that is likely
to be the one to pay attention to. You
could be empowered by the breaking down of
a version of ego that is so fluffed up it
gets in the way of the things you really
want, but to break down your ego in its
totality to be built up to someone else's
specifications is likely to leave you
wanting...especially if that person was
to no longer be a part of your life.

Who you are and who you are meant to be
might not yet look like what you think
it should be, but it doesn't mean that
someone else's version is better. You
can't know that if you have never sought
out the part of you that has been
covered up.

Perhaps the answer is not to cover up
yourself even more with others expectations
and demands, but to truly uncover and
discover who you are and what you have
to offer the world. Odds are whatever
it is, and whoever you are in that
context, is something and someone
pretty special.

Or not.


In the end, you have to live with you,
and you need to decide what works best,
and who knows? Maybe I could be wrong.
After all, what did I say above?

"I would have to wonder how someone would
know better than you what is right and good
and best for you.

Just some food for thought, as always.

Have a great weekend!

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