Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Late Night Ponderings...

Ever watch the movie
Message in a Bottle?

I stumbled into it tonight,
and had no idea what to

There were a few lines that
I thought were great. One
was between the two main
characters. One said, "You'll
just forget about me," to
which the other replied,
"Every day."

And then Paul Newman was
talking to his character's
son and said, "Choose between
yesterday and tomorrow.
Pick one."

I identify with the first
one because despite our
efforts to do something
sometimes, it is something
we must do over and over.

The second one is significant,
too, as we often tend to live
our lives in anything but the
moment. Having said that, if
it is to be a choice between
yesterday and tomorrow, which
will it be?

It was a story about love and
how things don't always go the
way we want them to, but it
doesn't mean that we still
can't cherish the bits of
love and happiness we're able
to grasp along the way.

The story was melancholy -
just like life sometimes is.

The movie, as contrived as it
was, was almost too real in
the emotions it evoked. In
life, we may not always be
able to identify with another's
situation and thoughts and
experience, but often we
will be able to identify with
the emotions that come from it.
At the core of who we are, we
are all very much the same...
it's too bad we so often forget

Last, but not least, I find the
movie has me considering that
the path I am on sometimes is not
the one I would have chosen; it
seems there are times it certainly
chooses me. Sometimes life is
about taking chances, in spite
of what we think we know or what
we think we know. Sometimes life
is about stepping into the unknown.
Sometimes life is about being
vulnerable and offering up love
in the face of uncertainty. It
is the ability to be able to do
that that often allows one to be
without regret.

Ok...enough deep thinking for now.
:P Sweet, sweet dreams when you
get there...


1 comment:

  1. Isis,

    I hadn't considered this a "must" for my movie list but after reading what you wrote, and also a synposis on the IMDB link you suppled, I think I'll have to give it a go. The idea of overwhelming grief isn't new to me and this movie may be something that sheds some new light on it for me. So, on the list it goes!


