Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

There is a chat box in the right column,
feel free to chat with others when I am not there, or with me, when I am.
(If you're hearing *blips* while visiting, there is likely to be conversation going on at the time).

Thursday, May 5, 2011

You're a Real Person? What a Coincidence...

So am I!

There is something about this virtual world that
we have created that seems to depersonalize
relationships and objectify people.

It is an odd thing, given that all of this stuff
we do has the ability to truly connect us in
ways never before possible.

There would have been a time that you and I
could never have "met." You would have been
in Wisconsin, and I would have been in Texas,
and the only way we might have even heard of
the other is if one of us made the news, and
the other was fortunate enough to have a
television on which to watch it, and that
is only in more recent history. Go back
further, and the odds of us even knowing that
the other existed, short of one of us being
an Alexander, were likely to be astronomical.

So why do I bring this up?

Lately I have told some people that even if
they decide not to call for hypnosis, I would
still welcome them saying "hey" once in a
while. I told them that I always think about
those I connect with.

I can practically guarantee you that if you
and I spoke once at length, or even just a
few times, odds are I remember something
about you and that conversation.

I suspect some think I am like the check out
person at the grocery store. What do they
care if they see you beyond today? Odds are
these days, they may even be barely aware
that you're there (another blog perhaps?),
and know nothing of you. They likely don't
know if you're married, have kids, are
travelling for business, just bought a new
car, have a pet...

I may not know all of those things, either,
but there is a good chance I may know a
couple, and if you tell me you're about to
go to Europe on business, I will likely
wonder at some point how the trip went.
If I hear news about something happening
in Europe, I will wonder if you are anywhere
near what is happening, and hope that wherever
it is, you are safe.

While it may sound like I could be caught up
in thoughts of you for hours, rest assured,
I am not, but that doesn't mean you won't
cross my mind.

It could be that I am just a different type
of person, as every job I have ever had in
a retail type of environment, I would have
regulars who I would speak to, and be
conversational with, as time allowed. I
even got gifts from a few.

I truly do care about those I interact with,
and speak to. I don't always know what to
do with it, and it isn't always in my best
interest to, but it just seems to be in the
nature of who I am.

This could be a really good thing for you,
as it means I won't treat you like a mindless
vessel waiting for me to fill you up.

At the same time, I know that the hypnotic
fetish world seems to thrive on the antithesis
of who I am, so it may just show you that I
am not the right person for you.

I would rather take what you got and tweak it,
and discover who you are than to empty you
out and make you into some mindless clone or
drone. Maybe you have something to offer me
that I could never have known about, and if
I take that away from you, then I would most
assuredly be missing out on something special.

Some see me as a Goddess. I'd like to think
that if that is the case, then I am the best
of what a Goddess has to offer. I'd like to
think that I can inspire someone to be the
best of who they are.

I might just be silly. But that's OK, as
I am more than used to it by now. It isn't
always easy to feel like I am going against
the predominant tide. However, the beauty
is that when you join me, neither one of
us will care what is going on "out there,"
and you'll be feeling really good "in there."

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