Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

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Thursday, May 12, 2011

Feeling Wobbly?

If you are feeling wobbly, you might want to
consider that you don't have a firm foundation
in place to hold you up.

You could potentially look at the universe
of you as four circles, the first of which
is Self Awareness. Knowing yourself is an
important foundation piece for who you are
and who you want to be.

If there is a shaky self awareness, you
will have a shaky foundation on which you
are built. Self awareness is one of those
things that isn't always easy, and many
times is glossed over.

The only problem is that when you gloss
it over you can run into difficulties
as you don't know what you are building

After you have the self awareness, it
helps you to identify your needs, values,
and beliefs which further enhances your
foundation. If you don't know who you
are, others will define these for you -
family, friends, bosses, hypnotists...
and you might feel lost, as what you
think you should do is based on nothing
more than someone else's desires for you.

When you know what your beliefs, values,
and needs are, then you are better able
to explore options and take actions that
suit who you are. There is confidence
and conviction. You know what you are
doing, without confusion.

We take actions all of the time, but if
they're not based on our values and beliefs
which are based on a self awareness, the
actions, and our life in general may feel
quite hollow.

Once you know yourself, are clear about
your values and beliefs, know the best
actions to take, then you can even step
up your game by asking questions that
empower you, and help you decide what
best is next.

Often people wonder what is next, and don't
have a clue, or much of one, because the
foundation hasn't been set.

The clearer you are, the firmer the foundation,
the better the "build" of who you are. The
less you are willing to look at things
from the start, the more likely your world
will feel like it is imploding when something
seems to go wrong, and worse yet, you'll
wonder why. You may not even know what to do,
as you have nothing to go back to.

The best thing you can do for yourself is
take the steps to figure out who you are;
it will give you a place to refer to in a
time of need and help you get to wherever
it is you might like to go. We all want to
get somewhere, but you'd probably agree that
all maps don't take you to all places. The
best map to get you where you want to go
comes from within you, and it has a great
guidance system - if you follow its directions.
It'll also get you back on track, if you get

Without it, you might just feel like you are
going around in circles.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
Want help creating clarity? I can help.

Have a great night.

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