Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

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Sunday, May 8, 2011

Does Judging Another Lead to Self Destructive Behavior?

I just read an article about how one
might be able to spot those who want
to do us harm by the type of watch
they wear. According to the article,
the reasoning has something to do
with certain connections made by

It made me think about a Twilight
Zone episode that I just recently
watched. In the episode, a street
in America is going about their
business, when it seems an asteroid
flies over, although no one is sure
what it truly is.

Odd things start to happen. Cars
won't start, lights won't light,
phones won't work.

There is a kid on the street who
tells everyone what "they" - the
aliens - want, according to the
stories. "They" don't want anyone,
but those sent down previously who
look like humans, to leave.

At first, what he said is laughed
off. But then one of the neighbors
is trying to start his car. He
can't seem to, but then suddenly
it starts, when he is no where near
it. And, then, in a bit it shuts
off in an equally mysterious manner.

Everyone else begins to think that
he must be the alien. After all,
nothing works for anyone else, so
if it works for him, then he must
be the alien.

Watching it I couldn't help but
think why would an alien want to
draw attention to himself in such
an obvious way...but it is apparent
that no one is rationally considering
that possibility.

As the day goes by, those who are
affected seem to be more and more
willing to look for things in any
of those who live on the street
that would be a reason to believe
THEY are the alien.

The guy whose car wouldn't start
also seemed to have an insomnia
problem, so he would sometimes at
night come outside and stare at
the sky...of course THAT had to
mean something.

The situation keeps escalating,
as lights in different people's
homes flicker on and off, and
as it does, the camera pans
back, and you see two speaking.
One is explaining to the other
that the events that have just
occurred have happened every
time they have set up the same
conditions. Essentially, it is
explained, that humans will
ultimately destroy themselves.

We may not know if the type of
watch someone wears is a "sign"
of bad things, but what we do
know is that if we're not
careful, our fears will have
us be reactive to the point that
we won't have to worry about
someone else destroying us, we
will destroy ourselves first.

Nothing has any meaning, except
for the meaning we give it. It
can be both helpful (stove=hot=
burn) and detrimental, depending
on the circumstance.

This applies to all types of
things and situations, and to
something as simple as an
argument with a loved one.

How often do our assessments
and interpretations wind up
hurting us more than helping?

It may seem we are logically
protecting ourselves, but if
were not careful that protection
system will help us self destruct.

Consider that the next time you
judge someone a certain way by
the way they tie their shoelace
or, even worse, have shoes without

I realize I may be oversimplifying,
but it sadly may not be too far
from some of the scenarios that
are all too real.

As always, just a little
something to consider and,
interested in hearing your

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