Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What do you adore?

Worship means to revere and adore.
Adore means to deeply love and respect.
Respect means to admire and hold in esteem.
In esteem means to regard highly.

Why the linguistic lesson?

Because lately I have been thinking about
the idea of "worship" in the erotic context,
and I find myself wondering if others have
considered things the way that I have been
considering them.

There is so much talk about "worshipping"
a Domme/a Goddess/a beautiful woman,
especially when this person wants something
from the worshipper.

It seems to be a mechanism the person who
is worshipped can use to control the person
who worships (in this case) her. And it
seems to me that the term *might* be a tad
distorted, and if it isn't, then it makes
me wonder if the person doing the worshipping
realizes what he is putting up on a pedestal.

If worshipping someone means to highly
regard them, and that someone treats you
like sh*t, or like you are unworthy, you
are putting not only that person on the
pedestal, but what she stands for. Yes;
she may be beautiful and may be giving you
attention, but do you really want to give
respect to the idea that you are undeserving
of respect? Do you really want to revere
and adore poor treatment?

I wonder if sometimes the single-mindedness
of the "worship focus" can have a person
unaware of what he is creating. Even
without "official" hypnosis, the focus
can be quite hypnotic. It can be all
too easy to push things aside in the
pursuit of whatever worshipping represents
for you.

If it works for you, then it truly is all
that matters, and you might want to stop
reading. The rest of this blog is not
likely for you. If, however, you are left
confused or wanting or needing then odds
are you are worshipping the wrong type
of person and idea, and it won't matter
how much effort you make - it will never
be enough. In a case like that, what you
are doing is likely only a distraction from
what you really want.

As hard as it may be for some to consider,
it is my personal belief that we all deserve
to be respected, and no one is any better
than any other of us.

We are just different, and those differences
have reasons to be valued. I never want a
person who chooses to "worship" me to be any
less of a man because of it.

While some may come to me with the idea of
degrading themselves to elevate me, I always
point out that I am much stronger and better
if they are stronger and better. You never
have to be less than who you are to appreciate
the greatness of another. If it is something
you have believed, consider that it was just a
hypnotic suggestion that was given you at
some point in your life. If you can view it as
the illusion it is, you can begin to dispel
its magic and its hold over you, and then really
discover some of the incredible magic life
has to offer when there is mutual regard and

If you need help to do it...
you know where to
find me.

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