Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

There is a chat box in the right column,
feel free to chat with others when I am not there, or with me, when I am.
(If you're hearing *blips* while visiting, there is likely to be conversation going on at the time).

Friday, November 11, 2011

Just Because I Can?

The recent "Guilty" determination of Dr. Murray in the
case regarding Michael Jackson's death makes me think
about the on-going conversation I have with those
who are interested...and even those who are not, but
make requests of me that I am able - but unwilling -
to fulfill.

It is a conversation that revolves around the idea
that things can and should be done, because they can
be done. From my side, the topic can be couched
in the question, just because I can, does it mean
I should?

Apparently there is no law that prohibited Dr. Murray
from doing what he did. It seems as though he ran
into trouble by how he went about it. It might seem
that what the did was OK, if you take away how he went
about it. However, if he took a stand and said he
wouldn't do it, he likely would never have gotten to
this place.

Just because he could do it,
does it mean he should have?

Who knows what motivated him? Although one could
possibly guess. It doesn't really matter, though.
In the context of this conversation, the thing I
am looking at is the fact that he chose to do it.

Which brings me to me. From the earliest days of my
erotic, hypnotic calls I found that many wanted me to
do things that I wasn't sure about. Some I did do
eventually, but there are some I have never even

There seems to be the thought that if I don't do
something it is because I can't, because if someone
wants me to do something to them, and I have the
ability, I should. What I feel and believe and
want should not come into play. Something akin to
"the customer is always right."

There are times things go through my mind and I think
of how they could be done, but then when I think of
the ultimate effect it could have on someone, I know
it is likely not to be something that will ever see
the light of day. Would it be effective? Yes.
Would some think, "WOW"? Yes. Would it make me
money? More than likely. Probably more than a
recording that is intended to be helpful, like Pure
Love: The Gift.

Would I get more interest and more callers if I took
the route my mind sometimes strays to? I am betting
the answer would be yes. And yet...I don't do it.
Interestingly, perhaps, there are times it is
suggested to me that I should be more willing to
make these choices - for the money.

I suppose when one contemplates the above question, it
might be difficult to do it in isolation, without a
piece that considers motivation. But there are
different types of motivation, and some of them can
cause troubling results. In that case, is it worth it -
whatever "it" is.

I once had almost a fight of sorts with someone I
had spoken with previously - on many occasions. He
called me because he wanted me to do something I
was not comfortable with. I told him as much, and
yet he stayed on the phone, eventually getting mad
with me that he had spent his money and didn't get
what he wanted. He conveniently "forgot" that more
than once I had encouraged him to find someone else.
Short of hanging up on him, there wasn't much I
could seem to do, given how persistent he was.

It was the angriest I have ever felt coming off a call.

He certainly pushed a button in me. I do my best
to respect that people want what they want, and are
willing to take responsibility for what they perceive
are the potential risks, however, I am not always
willing to be a contributor. I was explaining to
someone recently that you can care about, and respect,
someone - without enabling them. If they shouldn't
smoke, I can respect that they make the choice to do
it, but I don't have to go out and buy them cigarettes.

In situations like these, each person it would seem
needs to make determinations for himself about what
to do. If one thinks that the choice to ask leaves
the burden of responsibility on the person who does
the asking, they may feel comfortable in doing things
that may even be perceived as troubling. However,
if there was ever a time that their choice may come
back to haunt them, as was in the case of Dr. Murray,
it might just have them think twice or more before
agreeing to fulfill the request.

I tell you this to tell you something about me.
I also tell you because there is something in
this for you. Others may not have your well being
in mind, and you may not always know what you don't
know and are getting yourself into.

As always, be careful and proceed with caution.

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1 comment:

  1. I love to read your blog and should comment more often. I noticed you have taken a much deserved break since your last post, just want to say I do appreciate your ideas. Thank You
