Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

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Monday, April 30, 2012

Flashing Yellow: Proceed with Caution

So many times I take to my blog and talk about
being careful.  I am sure that there are some who
would wish that I wasn't always talking about
the things I do.

Quite frankly, I am one of them.

The problem is, I believe that there are way too
many people who have no idea what is possible
with hypnosis.  Some of the things are probably
not such "big" deals, but there are many that
can easily become one...especially when the
person affected has no clue that he is affected.

Recently someone casually called me and
wanted to experience my hypnosis.  It turns
out that there was someone else who had been
hypnotizing him.  That much he knew, but what
he didn't know was what was affecting him,
what the content of the recordings he was
listening to was, just how deeply affected by
this person he was...even to the point of
publicly embarrassing and humiliating him
in front of those he knew.

Of particular note is the fact that this person
never once told the hypnotist that he had
certain interests/desires, and yet he was
instructed to buy what could amount to life
changing MP3s.

I know for some they may wonder how this
could happen, and this person could join their
ranks.  There were things he did not know
about hypnosis when he ventured into the
waters, and likely thought it would be "fun."

Sadly, the hypnotist had other ideas.  I know
there are hypnotists that believe the adage that
a person will never do anything against their
will, but in this case, he did at some point try
to fight what was happening.

I am not clear on all of the details, but what I
am clear about is that the hypnotists you let
into your mind will potentially have their own
agenda, and if you get to the point that you
OBEY that person, then that, among other
things, is your WILL, and whatever you are
told to do, you likely will.

I am a little hesitant to suggest that if a hypnotist
is into something you aren't into, you may want
to stay away, as I do have a feminization listing,
and I know most would not be interested.

At the same time, I do not promote it, and will
ONLY do it on that line, and by request.

The particular hypnotist in question doesn't
come out and say that those who follow her
will be taken down the path this guy was, but
I somehow suspect many are.  I also know of
someone I spoke to at one point who was
hypnotized by this particular hypnotist, and
was quite troubled.

I never got to the core of the other situation,
but if he was or is going through anything
like this other person just did, I could see
why there would be such great distress.

I also know there are those who have been in
this situation and wind up being mad at
themselves.  How could it have happened?

If you never knew you had a food allergy,
but then ate something that gave you an
allergic reaction, would you be mad at
yourself?  If this is you, be kind to yourself,
and take the knowledge you now have and
use it to your benefit, and better still,  perhaps
to someone else's benefit.

And if you happen to be one of those most
skeptical, use this as a warning sign of things
that could possibly be ahead and proceed
with caution.

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