Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

There is a chat box in the right column,
feel free to chat with others when I am not there, or with me, when I am.
(If you're hearing *blips* while visiting, there is likely to be conversation going on at the time).

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Would like to be Wrong

Sometimes I think I am the only person in a boat
that is sailing in a certain direction.  So often
when I talk about the things that happen to people,
it is met with a certain amount of skepticism and
disbelief.  Apparently everyone knows better than
I do about what I think I "know."

I realize that there is a certain amount of "game
playing"when it comes to the fetish and the
players, but the problem is that there are either
some really good actors, or there really is a certain
amount of sh*t that happens to those who are

I wrote a blog entry about someone who had been
hypnotized by someone and was headed down a
path that he did NOT want.  It wasn't like he came
to me to help him, but once he was hypnotized, it
was apparent that there had been things happening
that were NOT what he wanted.

I knew of the hypnotist involved, but knowing
that some think highly of her, I thought let me
check into her some.  When I did, I found something
that said she had a de-programming recording,
and that she would utilize it if she - or the person
she worked with - thought it was necessary.

I reconsidered my stance.  Perhaps I had been
unfair in my assessment.  Perhaps she really was
one of the "good guys" in this fetish.  So the
next time I spoke with the individual I was trying
to help, I asked how he felt about speaking with
her directly about what was happening and his
desires to stop things, and mentioned the recording.

He said he knew of no such recording.  In
addition, he had asked her more than once to
turn things off, and her response was to trigger
him and off and running he was even more.
He indicated concern about ever having any
additional contact with her.

Once again, my wheels turned.  Either the
hypnotist had misrepresented herself, or she
had changed.  Neither thing to me was - or is -
particularly appealing.

Well...to make matters now more interesting,
out of the blue I get a message from the individual
who tells me he spoke with her (based on our
conversations, NOT something he would have
initiated) and not only that, missed a day of work
so he could have 2 cam sessions with her, and
soon a 3rd, so she could make everything right.

Yeah.  Likely HER version of right.  He even
signed one of the repetitive, robotic responses
to my emails in a way that tells me she again
has him heading off in a direction that he had
no desire to go in.

The way he worded things it is fairly clear to
me that he is being "fixed" so that he will never
do this again.  While I want to give this person
the benefit of the doubt, given the tone and tenor
of conversations I had with the person involved,
I am fairly confident she is doing things that
fall in the range of "against his will."

People are NOT pawns to be played with.  I
realize in this fetish many people get power
off of their power plays...but doing cr*p like
this to someone is just despicable beyond

I do not intend to name names.  After all, there
is more than one side to every story, and there
may be details that I do not know, and may
never know.  But what I do know are certain
characteristics and certain signs that mean
certain things.  And while he may tell me that
she has removed all programming, my guess
it is any other than hers.

If I am indeed in this boat alone, I may just
go down alone.  At the same time, it is my
hope that my words and the things I say have
value and provide a wake up call for people
who need it, or give a protective barrier for
those who didn't even know they needed one.

Others in this "profession" do not talk about
this, but I can't help but wonder if there are
things they have seen and just blinked and
perhaps kept going - or perhaps believe it to
be a non-problem, given the current culture.

I know no one wants to hear about them...
but given a choice between hearing and being
a person who is greatly (and perhaps adversely)
affected, believe me, you are likely to want to
be a person who listened.

By the way, one side note about deprogramming
recordings.  They may not do what they say,
if you even know/remember that they exist,
and you have to know that there is a problem
to want to deprogram to listen.

Apparently this guy was a hybrid.  He knew
some things were too much, and wanted to stop,
but he didn't even know about the more potentially
harmful things; so even if everything else
was fine and dandy, he wouldn't have known
that there was any reason to request the
recording to stop.

There was a time I would never have even
considered posting something like this.  There
is a myriad of reasons for that, but with seeing
so much of what I have seen lately, I feel I
cannot be silent.  Part of the problem that
the world faces in many ways today is too
much silent agreement.  There is even a term
for that "Sheeple."

I can not possibly take a stand in every regard
that I see a problem, but this is one that seems
best suited to me at this time.  I never want 
someone to rob you of who you are.  Whether
or not you choose to listen to, or believe, me I
invite you to consider standing up for something
you believe in with a PASSION.

It would be my hope that as a result the world
will be a better place, and someone, somewhere
will be better off for it. 

Have a good night.

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