Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

There is a chat box in the right column,
feel free to chat with others when I am not there, or with me, when I am.
(If you're hearing *blips* while visiting, there is likely to be conversation going on at the time).

Friday, April 20, 2012

More Life Changing Than I Thought

A while ago I posted about how I was beginning to
pay more attention to the foods I ate. I was just
beginning to discover the train wreck of ingredients
we put in food.

Part of my reasoning behind it was to get healthier.
If I lost a few pounds, it would be a great thing, but
I just wanted to do what was best for my body. I
didn't say it at the time, but I suspected I was at the
very least "gluten sensitive," given how my body
was reacting to things that were "bready" and

I thought I would do what I could to begin to look
at gluten-free options. The "funny" thing was that
just because something was gluten-free did not
mean it was healthy. Many gluten-free products
had ingredients in them that I have come discover
are not healthy ones.

In addition, to compensate for the fact that there
is no gluten there is an ingredient that is used that
is a chemical, which it appears is also not so great
for you. Apparently there are a few, but all pretty
much with the same "review." In addition, it turns
out that it often creates the same reaction in a
person's body as gluten.

This was determined, by the way, after I plunged
into getting a whole bunch of things to try my hand
at gluten-free baking. It was also after I had a
whole bunch of things in my cabinet I determined
I was no longer going to eat.

In my discovery I decided to start eating gluten again.
I figured it was at least "natural" and not a chemical.
Interestingly, the weight I was losing leveled off. In
addition, it would now seem that if I was "sensitive"
before, I am REALLY sensitive now.

I did not realize that by stopping eating it I would
make matters worse. Apparently that is exactly what
can happen. So now I am really in a pickle.


Because for as much as I was so excited about making
changes, I tried to level off, but couldn't. It seems to me
I might have been smarter to do some deeper research
before being so enthusiastic.

At the same time, it seems that those who have the
sensitivity can also be/become lactose intolerant, and
can have much bigger health issues down the line. It
also seems that if the gluten issue gets resolved, so
does the dairy one. At least that is what one person
described, as a part of her journey.

Since this all started out as a way to get healthier, it
would seem that this is a good thing in the long run.
In the short run I am REALLY bummed. I really wasn't
wanting/ready to give up everything bread. It seems
my choices may have sped that up.

I share this for a number of reasons:

One, those of you who have issues like this might
find it helpful/of interest.

Two, when I think about all of the foods that will
now affect me and make me miserable and/or sick
I think about how society is really good at creating
itself around what we do around food.

I think about how we "reward" ourselves with things
that really aren't so great for us. I think about the
"hypnosis" that exists around these things, and I find
myself wondering how I will rewire myself in ways
that will likely seem odd and unusual to others, as
we often use food to "fit in."

Three, I find that my experience with this is similar
to how some approach hypnosis. They do a minimal
amount of research (if any) and proceed to act. As
they experience and research things, they may alter
their path, perhaps going from one perceived negative
thing to another, not realizing that it is "negative" at
the time though.

If they are lucky, they will come out of everything
just fine, and unscathed. If they aren't so lucky, their
"diet" may get fixed in ways they weren't prepared for,
and aren't so happy about. 

Often our choices in life have a way of changing us -
without, or without, our permission.  Please feel free
to comment if you have any of your own thoughts/
experiences to share.

Have a great night.

1 comment:

  1. Isis,

    It sounds as if you are doing your level-best to take care of yourself and that's a good thing. As with any new thing there is a level of enthusiasm which colors the actions you take but at the end of the day, how you adapt and redirect as you get new information is what is important. You've done that very well, it seems.

    Hypnosis, as you said, can follow the same kind of trajectory. I've been very lucky to have you as a guide in my explorations and that's helped me make adjustments and adaptations that have kept me safe and on-track.

    Thank you for this post!

