Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

There is a chat box in the right column,
feel free to chat with others when I am not there, or with me, when I am.
(If you're hearing *blips* while visiting, there is likely to be conversation going on at the time).

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Maybe you didn't realize...

In recent conversations with those who call me,
I have been told that they are listening to my
recordings at times that truly aren't suited for

These times aren't suitable because of reasons
that apparently weren't obvious.  For that
reason, I wanted to talk about it more publicly.

At Work
So you want to listen to my recording in the
background as you work?

If the recording was designed for that, it would
be one thing.  However, if it was not (and none
of mine currently are) then a couple of things
can happen.

1.  Your mind doesn't relax as much as it can,
because it can't.  The next time you listen to
it you may not go as deeply because while
listening at work, you told it it was OK to
stay awake while listening.

2.  You might go into a trance.  Perhaps not a
deep one, but one none-the-less.  When your
mind is more open, it is more open to anything.
You could walk around in a more suggestible
state if a recording puts you there, and you do
not realize it.  (The same, by the way, holds
true if you are in mid-session and hang up the
phone.  If you do not fully come out of trance
you may be putting yourself in a less than
ideal situation).

3.  If a MP3 isn't designed to help you focus
on work, it might make you less effective.
Perhaps it is something to consider if you are
wanting to do a good job, at the job that
allows you to pay for my recordings/sessions.

In the Hot Tub
Ah....the hot tub.  It sounds like the perfect,
soothing combination, doesn't it?  Well, it's
not, not really.

Think about it.  You want to relax.  You listen
to a wonderful recording that makes you relax.
A part of your mind is probably going to be
on guard.  After all, you are in a hot tub.  What
if you were to get submerged?  How much could
you truly and completely relaxed with a part of
you being hypervigilant that way?

And...if by some chance, you were able to
completely relax, it might be a dangerous
situation to put yourself into.  Some deeply
hypnotized people can't feel changes in
temperature, and not to mention being
submerged in water is not necessarily going
to be a good thing.  Yes; you would likely
wake up if that was to happen, but why
take the chance?

While Driving
I know someone once who was so high strung
he could listen to me on a CD to bring him within
the "normal" range of someone else.  While I
didn't recommend he listen while driving, he
apparently thought otherwise.

Driving is something that is best done fully
aware.  Listening to a recording while driving
is possibly going to make you less than fully
aware.  In addition, you run the same risk as
#1 under the Work heading above.

Listening in the car at any time while in the
driver's seat is also not particularly advisable.
You never want to have your mind associate
the hypnotic state with driving.  When you
sit in the driver's seat, you want to associate
it with all of the things that have to do with
a safe driving experience.  (Interestingly,
pulling over and going to sleep in that seat
also is not necessarily the best option for
these reasons).

So these are less than ideal situations for
trancing.  One thing you might want to
consider is always trancing in an IDEAL
environment, especially if you are wanting
to enhance your trancing experience.

What ideal is might vary from person to
person, but some of the things you may
want to consider for your ideal environment

comfortable temperature and/or cover
safe surface
preferred lighting
preferred environmental sounds
unlikely to be interrupted

Please consider these things when considering
your trancing habits.  The more consistent you
are, the more likely the things you do will even
set the stage for hypnosis, and even become
hypnotic themselves.

I want my good boys to stay safe, and even if
you aren't my good boy
(yet? LOL sorry couldn't resist :P)
I would like
for you to remain safe, too.

As discussed before,
ignorance is not
always bliss.

Please feel free to add your few cents,  and
have an awesome day!

1 comment:

  1. Interestingly enough, I was thinking about this very subject, Isis. The idea of a consistent listening time has been intriguing to me lately. I thought about the times I've been able to listen to files and it turns out that pretty much the same time is available to me on a regular basis. So I'll make that my trance practice time from now on. Hopefully it'll help put my mind in the right place to fall for your voice. :)
