Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

There is a chat box in the right column,
feel free to chat with others when I am not there, or with me, when I am.
(If you're hearing *blips* while visiting, there is likely to be conversation going on at the time).

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Some Perspective About Me and My World

Last night someone in a forum was
telling others in the forum to be
careful about hypnosis in the
erotic context.

In general, I am all for it. This
person I know has had some very bad
experiences with other hypnotists,
and he feels compelled to tell
others to be mindful now.

What I didn't appreciate, however,
was how he was telling these others
to be careful about working with ME,
a Domme. His claim was that they
would be however I wanted them to
be, should I hypnotize them. He
claimed that I would have them
begging me to do things.

I said that what he said was unfair,
and inaccurate. This was a person,
I thought, who had a clue about who I
was, given that we had spent time
chatting (for free) about his
situation. This is a person who,
when he wanted to go handle his
situation the way he felt best,
should have experienced me backing
off, and supporting him, and wishing
him a favorable outcome. This is a
person who, when he said that things
were better when we next spoke, got
a pleased version of me, happy to
know that he was getting his situation
handled in a way that worked for him.

I explained to him, and anyone listening,
that I am very interested in what those
I interact with say, and want - that I
want to know as clearly as possible what
the person feels, as I do not want to
bias him in a way that could ultimately
hurt him. If I even suspect that someone
is giving me an answer because of a
suggestion, I always investigate further.

I have seen instances where people have
been conflicted, and I never want to be
one who creates that type of conflict in

Yes, I have a "job" to do when someone
calls me and yes, I sometimes DO affect
how someone feels about me via suggestions.
However, if I ever thought for one moment
that it was in any way detrimental or
uncomfortable or compromising for someone
I would want to change it - and likely
would - in a heartbeat!

There are so many ways to do things - some
not so pleasant or helpful - that the
beauty is that I can make the most amazing
and pleasurable changes when necessary.

There were some sweethearts who were sticking
up for me in this conversation, and he tried
to take away from what they said by the fact
that he felt I had influenced them. They
had been affected by me, however, they also
knew slightly more personally about what an
experience with me is like.

I even went as far as to say that in one case,
I had only done a couple of sessions with one
of them, and that his support wasn't as
concrete as it might have been (from a time
standpoint). I said that so that anyone there
who did not know me had some perspective of
the comments/situation.

I have a good reputation, and I'd like to think
it is with good reason. I sometimes have been
hesitant about the "Domme" label, as I am not
always so sure about how it fits me. I know
that there is a certain culture, and with that
culture comes expectations.

However, we as people DEMAND labels. We need to
know how someone fits into our boxes. I picked
Domme after some thought, and felt that I could
carve out a sensual style of my own. Apparently
I have done something right, and those who do not
seek the extremes of the BDSM world seem to enjoy
the web of pleasure I create.

I always suggest that anyone interested in me get
to know me via my Niteflirt pages as well as this
blog, and any other way they can find. It is
important to be aware, and to make the best
decisions from the information available to you.

You will likely find me remarkably consistent in
my views and the resulting expressions.

Until we meet (again).


  1. Isis,

    I'm sorry you had that kind of experience in chat. I wish would have been there to tell this chap that there are people whom you've never tranced who are on your side. Sometimes, however, there's no dissuading someone who has an agenda to fulfill.

    Most kind regards,


  2. thanks cdbtoo...I am appreciating the level of interest and support that I have received. It is nice to know that have people on "my side." Sometimes it is a difficult side to be on by myself :-) Happy New Year!
