Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

There is a chat box in the right column,
feel free to chat with others when I am not there, or with me, when I am.
(If you're hearing *blips* while visiting, there is likely to be conversation going on at the time).

Saturday, December 6, 2008

you are so much more...

than a horny boy.

Yes, most people call me because they are horny.
They call because they "know" what they need.
It is unlikely that anyone would ever call to
stop what they're doing, because they have a
track record and a need and/or desire to do
what they are doing.

However, occasionally it does happen. Most times
it is someone who is quite conflicted about what
they're doing, and why, and what it is costing
them in time, money, and their own well-being.

After a while, the thing that brings them pleasure
starts to cost more than it is worth in pleasure,
but it is difficult to know how to stop it.

Sometimes when I speak with someone I can pick it
up in what and how they are saying what is being
said. My observations are occasionally appreciated,
however, it is not what they are calling for.

Why do I tell you this?

Because I recently had a call with someone who has
been calling me for a while, and was in the midst
of this type of struggle. He had been self-hypnotized
by the experiences he had been having for years, in
addition to separate, actual hypnotic sessions.

There was a part of him that wanted out, but the
other parts of him were trying to keep him where he
felt he was getting what he needed. It was difficult
for him to see why he felt what he did and, as good
hypnosis becomes who you are instead of what you do,
he was speaking his truth by saying that he needed
what he needed. However, there was a bias that came
from all of the hypnosis (official and "otherwise")
he had had previously.

I am of the mind that if something works then there's
likely no reason to change it. The
dividing line for me is when it stops working.

Unfortunately, when you can't see the forest for the
trees, you also can't see any other way than what you
have been doing, and it can become an inner battle.

The great thing about hypnosis is that the battle can
be approached in a way that takes care of all of the
parts of you - including the hypnotic ones that drive
your actions. You might be surprised at the potential
of hypnosis to give you what you want and need in a way
that takes care of you, and that you choose, rather
than being driven ruthlessly by it.

I find that many of my callers are amazing people.
There is much more to them than just being horny.
Yes, there is a place for it. However, if it is
taking you away from the beauty of who you are meant
to be in this world, and keeping you from something
you perceive as important, perhaps it is time to
consider that there may be other options.

To truly take care of yourself is to realize that
you have done nothing "wrong" or "bad" as many people
might come to believe when they are struggling. You
are doing what you believe is in your best interest.

The only problem comes when those things that work
for us on one level (on the level that drives us)
come to destroy us on another one.

Nothing is ever what it appears to be. There is
a bigger picture, one that has nothing to do with
phone sex, sexy pictures, sex, pain, humiliation,
domination, submission, hypnosis, and/or...

It has to do with YOU taking care of you. It has
to do with what these things provide you in a more
global sense.

If you are driven by your desires, you have covered
up who you are. If you are choosing what you do
as a result of your desires, then you are likely
going to enjoy yourself so much more, and everything
that you do (erotic and otherwise) will be that much
more enjoyable for you.

Some people find it difficult to do something that
might resemble asking for help. Please realize that
what I am speaking about isn't so much help, as much
as it is a perspective. If you can change your
perspective, you can change your world.

Having said that, sometimes we need a little help.
If you have unconsciously made decisions, it might
be difficult to uncover what they are without someone

You aren't any less of a person because of it.
You are just being human. There is a part of you
that truly thinks it is doing what is best, and
unfortunately it can make a mess of things in its
desire to give what it thinks is best. It can also
be exploited by those who know how to tap into it.
The good news is when you become aware of it, you
can alter it.

If you are reading this, I am certain there is much
more to you than meets the eye. If it seems to be
the predicament you are in, I invite you to contact
me, and let's talk about it. You, like others, may
be amazed and, better yet, find yourself.

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. very perceptive as you always are and may i add that what the person is doing at that point is the best choice in that situation. The key is to realize that and bring better choices to your table that you can count on in a crisis
