Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Movies creating unrealistic expectations?

Maybe it is just hypnosis.

Today I saw an article
about how romantic comedies
can create unrealistic
expectations of relationships.

It speaks to the assumptions of
how one's sex life is supposed to
be so great, or how a significant
other is supposed to know what we

Did you know that most times when
you go to a movie, and get lost in
it, you are likely in a hypnotic
state? It would be no surprise to
me that people would wind up being
more suggestible to the unrealistic
message of the movie, if they have
entered a hypnotic state while
watching it.

Remembering that effective hypnosis
becomes who you are, instead of what
you do, you walk away from the movie
(after having been unconsciously
exposed to a similar message in
other movies over time)
with the idea that things can be
wrapped up so wonderfully and easily,
and (in this case) romantically.

However, having said that, what
makes things more difficult is
that we don't live in a culture of
people who know how to communicate
effectively. There is a lot of
assuming going on, and often to the
detriment of ourselves and those we
care about. There is also
a lack of an ability to know how to
effectively communicate. Somehow
people believe that because we talk,
we communicate.

Are the movies a result of our
inability to communicate, or does
our inabiiity to communicate
come from the societal input
(which includes movies). I think it
is likely that it is a cycle in which
they feed off of each other.

I think it would be wise to consider
these types of things before blaming
movies for our seeming unrealistic
Movies may reinforce them, but they
do come from where we are.

Things like this are good because
they call attention to what is
happening. However, if we're
putting our hand in the fire, it's
not the flame's fault if we get

Awareness is one thing, and taking
responsibility is another. Hand in
hand there is nothing better for
getting the results we want. However
if we have an awareness without
taking responsibility, then we are
likely limiting our options.

Maybe we can enjoy the romantic
comedies for what they are,
becoming aware (conscious) of
how we interact with their messages,
instead of blaming them for our problems.
I can already see a potential backlash
from those who think they are "bad."

They're not bad in and of themselves.
What is "bad" is that we are
allowing ourselves off the hook by
focusing on something outside of
ourselves. Even worse, is that by
having that focus, the situation will
likely never get better because we'll
always have someone else, or something
else, to blame.

Just for the record, I know the idea
of this, in some ways, sucks. It does
often seem easier to address the outside
"forces." However, as always, awareness
is the key, and the epitome of choice,
and once you have it, it's
yours to use - or not.

All the best to you.

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