Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

There is a chat box in the right column,
feel free to chat with others when I am not there, or with me, when I am.
(If you're hearing *blips* while visiting, there is likely to be conversation going on at the time).

Saturday, September 6, 2008

My Own Agenda, hmmmm?

Today someone left me negative
feedback - twice. This, after
he initially left positive

Here is his history, so you
know what I am talking about:

a customer's feedback

I share this with you because
situations like this frustrate
and sadden me.

As much as I try my best to
put out "there" who I am, and
how I am, it seems that there
are occasionally people who
don't get it. There is a
certain cookie-cutter expectation
that I am somehow supposed to
fall into.

What I find ironic (and almost
funny) about his feedback
is the fact that MOST
people would say a hypnodomme
is SUPPOSED to have her own

I wrote him after his first
1* rating, asking why the 1*.
I do that as a general rule
when it is not clear to me
why 1* is left. Apparently
he felt compelled to let everyone
know his opinion.

It some ways it makes me sad,
as it seems that there are
people who think that I should
just "DO" them hypnotically.
They have no idea what they
are getting themselves into.

There are people who call me
somehow thinking that they
know best, even when they
don't know anything about
hypnosis...and have never seen
the negative.

The result I experience is
a negative rating because
I feel that everyone who
calls me has a RIGHT to know
what is possible. I suppose
some people wouldn't agree.
However, they don't know
what they don't know.

I may caution someone
more than once
especially when he has
an experience of being unable
to recall our session,
because, as my blog shows,
oftentimes guys think they
are invincible, and wind up
getting themselves into trouble.

I suppose I could choose to
stop doing that, but I find
that most who speak with me
APPRECIATE my approach, and
the fact that I DO care - and
there may come very positive
things as a result. (I say,
"if you only knew what I knew,"
for a reason.)

But it is NOT who I am,
so if this doesn't work for
you, do us both a favor,
and call someone else.

Believe me when I say that
the most important thing
for me is that you get what
you want - even if it is
with someone else.

Just to be clear about what
you can expect,
so that you can decide if
you want to have a hypnotic
erotic experience with me,
I thought I would
what you can expect on a call:

I will NEVER take your money just to take it.
I will ALWAYS want to know what you want,
and I will ALWAYS do my best to deliver.
I will ALWAYS respect you and what you want, but NEVER do anything consciously that I feel could be to your detriment.
I will ALWAYS be honest with you about
where my capabilities and limits are,
AND I will ALWAYS take a few moments/minutes to
explain to you (make sure you understand)
what you might be getting yourself into.

Yes, you are horny,
but no you do not deserve to go
into the experience blindly,
even if you are cocky enough
to believe otherwise.

There is definitely much
more to me than meets the
eye and ear. Several of
my callers know this,
because the opportunity
has arisen to allow it,
and several will never
know, because the call is
all about them.

I truly do care about you
and your experience, and will
never compromise on what I
have to offer, or on my
responsibility to you as
a hypnotist.

If you don't like it,
there are others to
choose from.

Be well.

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