Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

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People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
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Sunday, October 23, 2011

A few thoughts on a few "Myths"

Whenever people talk about "myths" regarding hypnosis,
I find that the absolute statements lead to things
that are sometimes misleading. There are usually
caveats that are important to be aware of so that you
might realize a potential problem/pitfall.

The more you know the better chance, perhaps, you have
at staying out of trouble. Even though it is difficult
to have any surefire ways to prevent that from
happening when someone knows what they are doing.

Here are a few of my thoughts on some of these "myths."

1) Only weak minded/unintelligent people can be hypnotized

Many of those who have called me over the years are very intelligent individuals and among them are engineers, architects, lawyers, programmers. Often those who are intelligent are quite able to be hypnotized. They may not think so, as their thinking may get in the way at times, however, whether or not a person is suggestible, and how suggestible they are is not necessarily contingent on what they do for a living. Having said that, those who are in high stress jobs are more ripe, in some ways, for the picking as there may be a desire to escape. In addition, there are ways that those who are in the "know" know how to side step that thinking part of you in a way that you could be broadsided. To say the weak minded are the only ones who can be hypnotized is to say something like only the bad drivers have accidents, and we both know that is not true. However we also know that a good driver might be better able to avert an incident, however being better able doesn't mean being immune.

2) A hypnotist has complete control over you when you are hypnotized

How this plays out depends on a number of factors. It could depend on how suggestible a person is, how deep the person goes, how good the hypnotist is with suggestions that can manipulate a particular outcome, how stressed out a person is. Some will say you will "never do anything against your will." If the hypnotist is able to manipulate that part of you - make something fall within your will - or get you deep enough your will isn't necessarily a part of the equation, it is quite possible to have outcomes that suggest that there is complete control. And even if there isn't complete control while hypnotized, if the hypnotist is able to manimpulate you into and out of hypnotic states, then it won't matter whether there is "complete control" in that moment, or not, as there will be other moments that will provide additional opportunities to create an outcome desired by the hypnotist. I also know of cases where it didn't matter what the mind was thinking or feeling, the body and voice was betraying it. To some that may sound erotic and enticing, but I can assure you from some who have been on the receiving end of it, it is no fun, at all.

3) If you can hear the hypnotist/remember what was said then you were not hypnotized

There are many levels to hypnosis. If you watch a movie and lose track of where you are and what is going on around you, you are aware of the voices on the screen, and you are in a trance state. Just because you hear the hypnotist and/or remember what was said does not mean that you weren't at the effect of a trance. Some people make the mistake of thinking that they haven't been affected when they have actually been quite affected. Much is possible at even a light state of of hypnosis. So many keep saying they want to go deeper and deeper, probably so feel like something happened, but it isn't necessary to have fun and enjoy yourself, or worse, get f*cked up.

4) You can remain permanently stuck in hypnosis

It is said that when you go to sleep you are no longer in a hypnotic state. I have nothing to say to this that would suggest otherwise. However, when you go to sleep at night and when you awaken you are in hypnotic like states which can be manipulated by someone who knows how. If someone really wanted to manipulate you all they would have to do is take advantage of those states, and you can be in hypnosis from the minute you awaken to the time you go to sleep. So while you most likely cannot get stuck in hypnosis, it doesn't mean you couldn't be spending your "waking" hours in a hypnotic sleep.

As always, if you have any questions, please feel
free to ask, and play and stay safe!

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