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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Ever think about...?

Ever think about our relationship to nudity?

I do.

ESPN is coming out with their "Body" Issue
shortly which will feature a cover with a
naked Hope Solo.

Basically it is a magazine edition that
will feature naked athletes. Of course
it seems these naked athletes are bent
in just the right way so that nothing
is showing that "shouldn't" be.

I can't help but think about how good we
are at rationalizing things. I am sure
there are people who will still take issue
with the issue, but somehow for others, it
will be OK because key things are covered up.

Does it seem silly to anyone else, besides
me that we react as we do to naked bodies?

I tend to think that the more we find
something taboo, the more it has a way
of affecting us. If we would "allow"
people to be naked, we would allow ourselves
to be seen for who we really are.

It occurs to me as I write this that it
fits with the way our culture is: we
live one way privately and publicly
we cover up parts of ourselves, for fear
of what exposure might mean.

I suspect if we let ourselves reveal who
we truly are, there might just be a collective
sigh of relief (after the initial shock wears
off, that is).

As always, I don't know the answers, but
am asking questions based on my perspective.
Other countries seem to have a healthier
relationship to sex because they have a
healthier relationship to nudity.

One does not necessarily have to be attached
to the other, but because it often is, I
suspect that is a great part of the problem.

I'd say that a healthy dynamic is one in
which the individual is able to be who he
or she is without shame, without having to
be something they are not. If we can have
that, we might just stop concerning ourselves
about what we cover up - or don't.

It might just be that the conversation around
nudity is a distraction from things that are
much less superficial and much more important.

Just a few of my cents.
Care to share yours?

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